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Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Thursday, 2007-April-26 • 16:52
I made a mistake last night. I TIVO'd American Idol and the silly system I have doesn't let me dump HD video to disc. I will admit that I fast-forwarded ALL the pitches for $. I know there are hungry people in Africa, but you can't force them to call Domino's. And with all the government programs, church programs, free-this and free-that, I can't imagine people in the U.S. going to bed hungry. At the same time, you can't blame the kids for lazy parents. Oops! I'm getting political!

What got me upset watching the special performances was: It was damn good and I wanted a permanent copy. Thank God for time zones. I called a friend in CA and he is making a disc for me! It's nice to know that my family will sell it at a yard-sale when I croak.

How have I missed Il Divo? These four young tenors sang one of my top 10 All-Time favorite songs from West Side Story. I cry when Marnie Nixon sings it for Natalie Woods and watching them (over and over) last night I got shivers up my spine. And Josh Groban. I've been a fan since the beginning and even though he must be sick of singing You Lift Me Up, last night was fantastic! Even Rascal Flats was super. And the computer thing with Elvis...it was just amazing. If you missed it (got bored with the charity stuff) you missed some good TV. Even the Stayin' Alive lip-sync bit was good.

How I admire people who have ability and the passion and dedication to pursue their talent.

Once in a while I get a forward that I REALLY enjoy. Comes to mind the puppet guy from a couple of months ago. And this little simple thing from yesterday. Thanks, Mark.

HOW TO START EACH DAY WITH A POSITIVE OUTLOOK: 1. Open a new file in your computer. 2. Name it 'Hillary Rodham Clinton' 3. Send it to the trash. 4 Empty the trash. 5. Your PC will ask you, 'Do you really want to get rid of 'Hillary Rodham Clinton?' 6. Firmly Click 'Yes.' 7. Feel better? PS: Next week we'll do Nancy Pelosi
Isn't that funny? BTW...I was going to buy the Il Divo CD (If there is one) today, but thought I'd wait. I can just imagine some snotty Gen Y clerk saying, "Oh...you watched American Idol..."

"...somewhere a place for us...."
  1. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2007-April-28 11:23:32:
    A Posting From Fred

    I read your blog about the American Idol Show..... Being a professional musician for a good part of my adult life..... I HAVE truly tried to sit down and watch American Idol a number of times... and i just can not stomach it.... maybe i hit the show on off nights but i think anyone who appears on that show can't hold a tune if thier lives depended on it.... maybe it just that its Television too... too commercialized ... i just can not sit there and watch 3 no talent performers grade no talent people and tell them wether or not they can sing or not.... you know what i mean?..... its like .... o.k. if your driving along in the car and tune the radio to a station and hear a guy trying to do a radio show.... and hes bad.... really bad... and You as a professional knows hes bad... but there he is.. on the radio... and regualr people listening to his baad show don't know the difference.... I must admit though... that program has turned out a number of good singers.... but its like... i got better things to do with my time than to watch the show.... maybe it is just TV.... its just got so bad recently... with all the reality shows... and stupid shows like dancing with the stars.... EGADS..... give me a break already.... Fred
  2. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2007-April-28 11:26:35:
    Fred....I can understand your attitude about the 'regular' show..but this one was special. All the performances by big acts and some fantastic special things. Makes me wish for a good old-fashioned variety show on TV. If those performances aren't already on youtube..they soon will be. And Dancing with the Stars!!!..I shamefully admit I watch it weekly and I also like Velveeta cheese. There are lots of skeletons in MY closet! Rob
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