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Cold Hearted Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Wednesday, 2008-January-23 • 22:39
You know we are getting closer to the Central Valley of California in the Never Ending Story because the Modesto-ites, or Modestinians, Modestopods, or what-ever are become roused by the boredom of the almost 20 years of prologue. There are a couple of regulars who prod me forward in anticipation and a newbie who just wrote the other day. (Heidi....I loved your email and meant to reply but must have oops!'d it. Write again.) I will write a bunch about the Morning Show Live Studio Audience 8-9 years down the line (in the story). Heidi reminded me of the Morning Show connection to Paula Abdul. She once squeezed my knee, but that is another story. (I needed the money) For some reason, in 1990 or so, we started doing some in-studio things to entertain the Live Audience. For some other reason, this included a lame Chippendale dance to Cold Hearted. Under my clothes, I would be prepared with a pair of red, white and black spandex bike shorts. These would be revealed during a promptu strip-tease. (We planned it so it couldn't be impromptu. Right?)

Eventually, the music and dance were done only in-studio, while something else was actually on-the-air. Heidi says she has a video. That got me wondering how many other people have videos and/or pictures. I remember a lot of photographing going on. Imagine years from now when someone looks at a picture of this guy with scraggly-blonde hair, a flowing silk shirt and red, white and black speedos dancing his ass off in a broadcast studio. (Lots of changes in the old Rob in California)There will be a few 'wtf's' right before the picture is consigned to the trash.

These were a few of my happiest years and now I can't wait to get to that part of My Story.

So there I was, sitting at a bar at a restaurant in San Francisco when Paul Abdul squeezed my knee and said, "Rob, you are so funny!" Now I watch her on American Idol and wonder if I still want her to squeeze my knee and if I am still "so funny".

  1. moontrent wrote on 2008-January-28 08:50:41:
    I couldn't resist writing something! I can't wait to read about the MODESTO years too. I have tons of pictures too. Some of you in spandex. I may be moving again, back to Modesto, so when I get settled I'll have to dig some out and scan some for you. You were a crazy great friend and co-worker and I'll never forget you and the time we shared. ps. hope everyone has seen the Rob Sherwood TV commercial on youtube! http://youtube.com/watch?v=H-B1VfntcCA features ROB in a black teddy and wig! love ya, MOON
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