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Open Blog - October 22 - 27 Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Wednesday, 2008-October-22 • 20:19
Well....I stayed away longer than I planned. I'm just dropping by to let you know I'm back and that the new chapter is in the My Story section. Be sure to click on the appropriate words to see the pix and drop me a line or add a comment here. I got a great email from Wayne Johnson from my Cedar Rapids days and he reminded me of some parts of My story I had forgotten. I'll have to do an up-date. Same for some stories I just got from the days at U100. Not only is this My Story but it is my Never Ending Story.

Take care...
  1. sales wrote on 2008-October-23 13:48:04:
    Like Bill craving a Pot Pie again, you finally give us a new chapter and leave us hungry for more.
    I hope our starvation for the next chapter ends before Thanksgiving.
    I did enjoy the new chapter.
  2. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2008-October-23 15:59:51:
    Thanks Mark. I'm enjoying writing this part of My Story. I'll seriously try for another in the next month. I sort of know where I'm going.
  3. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2008-October-23 21:15:36:
    There is trouble for Jim & Pam on The Office. It was funny tonight but Michael was so irritating. Because of that it wasn't as funny as last week when it was the funniest ever. How was your week-end? I went to the Mall of America on Saturday. They have totally ruined the rides area. I guess I am totally out of the target demo and it just doesn't seem as much fun as Snoopy Land. I couldn't even find any mini-donuts!!! I was going to buy some cheese from the cheese place on the top level...but....I realized if I did I would just eat it before I ever got it home.

    I was going to write more but suddenly my head feels like it weighs about 75 pounds. It is big but not THAT big. That means I better go to bed. NOW! Nighty!
  4. sales wrote on 2008-October-24 08:06:10:
    Can you believe Arne Carlson coming out and endorsing Obama? The GOP party in Minnesota should just change their logo to DFL and the DFL party can change their logo to a Loon.
  5. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2008-October-24 15:38:04:
    Seems a lot of RINO's are joining Obama. I was out of the state when Arne Carlson was Governor. Was it pronounced ARN or Are-Knee? He always looked sort of goofy to me. It looked like he and Karl Rolvaag had just gotten home from a 3 or 4 day drunk. Another one that slipped by when I was in CA...Jesse V. WTF? No wonder Al Franken actually has a chance.

    The other day I read a report from Rome, Italy where the oldest nun in the world...she's 106....has announced she voted with an absentee ballot for OBAMA!!!! So, am I to assume that Sister Ancienta supports partial birth abortion? Something tells me she is ga ga and taking advice from some euro-socialist.....Or....Arne & Karl are sharing some tabs with her. Wait a minute...is Karl R. dead? (I didn't even know he was sick)
  6. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2008-October-24 19:58:16:
    Yesterday I got my flu shot and today I felt lousy all day. I went to the Edward Norton movie and maybe my mood was poor because of the raging virus's in my blood stream. I didn't care all that much for it. I am SO sick of crooked cops! And....Edward Norton, when he acts you can tell he is acting. If you see it just watch it closely. It seems like if your character doesn't get the shit beat out of them they aren't really acting these days.

    I even watched the debate between the Senatorial candidates on PBS tonight. Is Al Franken just sort of stupid? There is such a difference between intelligence and chutzpah. In radio I have known so many DJ's, salesmen, and Managers who clawed their way to the top, not on the basis of talent or performance, but because they talked a GREAT game.

    Speaking of the flu...and radio....how many times do I remember working while ill. Damn it sucked. Especially if it was of the intestinal distress variety and you either had to have a wastebasket handy for projectile vomiting...or ...well....the other. Once in Green Bay I had the other. And the bathroom was one floor down and the records were all 2-3 minutes or less! To make it even worse, while I was in distress and running back and forth, some fans who watched the Uncle Rob Show in Austin, were visiting in Green Bay and came by to see me. "Excuse me....I have to crap." That reminds me of a story my sister-in-law's mother told me. She was at the dentist...in the chair....and as the dentist worked on her...ever so often...very often...he'd leave the room for a bit and then return..and work some more...and then leave and then return...etc. Finally, he explained that he had a touch of the flu and was suffering from the worse case of diarrhea. (Open wide....) I think it made her sick. (Rinse and spit?)

    What a great rainy day it was today. It so reminded me of SF. High in the 50's and continuous rain. Love that. Everyone is saying we may have snow on Sunday. Fuck! (sorry) I plan stay in the igloo for the next two days. See you around, booby....
  7. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2008-October-25 20:24:18:
    That flu shot still has me all fucked up. Not like the flu. Just very tired. I took a nap this morning and woke up from it so tired I had to take another nap. That's getting bad when your naps exhaust you.

    The fact that I didn't hear from anyone yesterday afternoon or night, I palmed off on the fact it was Friday and people were out doing stuff. This morning I woke at about 6:30 and read for a while before dozing off again. Some very hard knocking on the door woke me about 9:30. It was my brother. I turned the phone off in that movie and forgot to turn it back on and it had been going into voice-mail for hours. Anyway....I hadn't collapsed....so we went to breakfast. After that I napped. Then I napped after that nap. I took another nap tonight about 7 and now it is 10:21 or so and time to actually go to bed.

    I mentioned to someone that unlike the liberals, if Obama is elected I will always treat him with respect. In fact, I said, "I'll bend over back-ward to treat him like I wanted the libs to treat President Bush". My friend told me if Obama is elected I won't be bending over back-ward. I'll be bending forward and grabbing my knees! Did you see the democrat plan for your 401K? Damn! I'm glad all my money is in my 401Serta! Later!
  8. MBiolo wrote on 2008-October-26 08:11:14:
    Happy to see another chapter of my story! You are a good story teller - I can get a pretty good picture of how things looked before and after the remodeling of KO93. Any chance of another chapter soon?

    I like the cool rainy days too. Always loved the cool, foggy days in The City by The Bay. I don't mind the snow though. In fact, I look forward to the snow in the early winter. (Never seemed like Christmas in California without the white stuff.) I am sick of it by April, however.

    I am growing increasingly depressed at the spector of our great nation being turned over to the likes of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi. And I worry tremendously about the Supreme Court justice seats they may have the opportunity to fill. To make matters worse I see Al Fanken is leading his race in Minnesota. (What the fuck is wrong with Minnesotan's??!! Are there California transplants setting up shop there??!!) Woe is me. Woe is us.

    Think I'll take a nap.

  9. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2008-October-27 13:28:45:
    Have you seen the hot-seat interviews of Plugs Biden? Where were these interviewers when we needed them? I actually think I would be more unhappy over a Franken win than an Obama win. No real reason except I think that Al Franken isn't very intelligent. Speaking of intelligence, didn't Biden win the stupidest person in the U.S. Senate Award? I think he won it when Al Gore left to be Vice President. I have heard that my congressman, Jim Oberstar, has a reputation of being just stupid. (I can't say anything I want BEFORE the election. It isn't until AFTER the elections that I agree to treat the winners with respect)....(And besides...that was only regarding a President Obama. If I don't talk nice or disagree with him in ANY regard I'll be considered racist and the only ethnic group I think are suspect are the Swiss.....wait..that's a nationality)

    I like winter without snow just fine. I used to love buying Christmas trees in a pouring rain storm in CA.

    I think I may be able to get another Chapter finished by Thanksgiving and maybe even one before Christmas. I'm not looking forward to writing about K101 in San Francisco though.

    Ever so often I add some more pictures to the Flikr File All Pic Sets I am just loading things willy-nilly. Browse at your heart's content.
  10. MBiolo wrote on 2008-October-27 19:03:29:

    Fortunately, I have made no such promises for niceties regarding any elected official or candidate for elected office before, during, or after the election. So I will be free to denigrate said persons with abandon. I'll do enough denigrating for both of us so you can enjoy, at least vicariously, a little dumping on the libs. Especially when things turn to shit about a year and a half from now and everyone is scratching their collective heads and wondering "How did we ever get into this?!".

    I remember K101 being there in ess eff but with the exception of taking in the view of their tower field from the Bay Bridge I don't think I ever paid any attention to the goings on there. In the mid-late '70s it was that RKO legend, KFRC, for me and after returning to the Bay Area following tours in San Diego (KGB, KCBQ) and North Carolina I became a Foghead. When back in SF these days I pretty much listen to the ol' KFOG and KKSF (smooth jazz). Sometimes, hungry for news, I'll dial up KCBS. I do remember KYA as being a tough competitor but, as I said, not much about KIOI/KIQI. (I rmemebered the calls though!)

    Like all the photos. I was perusing the short set of Green Bay pics and the old Laird Building the other day while some mesothelioma attorney spot was playing in the background and I got to wondering . . . How much asbestos do you think we were exposed to at WDUZ?

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