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Rey Lark Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Tuesday, 2008-October-28 • 12:36
I just checked my email and found out Rey Lark had died.

I met Rey in 1969 when I went to work at KDWB. He was one of the Engineers and the entire time I was there worked the night shift. In MY STORY I have mentioned Rey often. Not only was he the best broadcast engineer I've ever worked with, but he was also the nicest.

In those early days, I'd sit in the KDWB staff lounge and chat with Rey while he ate a Swanson's Franks & Beans TV Dinner. Later, we hired him as the Chief Engineer at U100 where he helped me to achieve my vision. I can't remember Rey ever telling me something "couldn't be done". At WEBC he was always there with advice. The last time I saw Rey was years ago when I was at K101. Rey loved to go to the big broadcasting equipment convention and that year it was close enough to SF that he dropped by for a visit. He stayed with me for a couple of days and we reminisced. Good things were ahead for Rey when he got his own station.

I know he was aware of my website. I hope he got to read it and wasn't insulted. Rey will be remembered.Rey-1975
  1. deanej wrote on 2008-October-28 14:32:59:
    One thing we know for certain, Rey did not die from over excitement. I don't think his "excitement meter" ever wiggled off the bottom. He just quietly dealt with the problems as they occurred. I will always remember his response one time when I called him to let him know something significant had happened at KDWB that had taken us off the air. Perhaps it was the big fire, I don't remember. There was a pause, then Rey said slowly without a drop of excitement in his voice "well, I guess I better mosey on over there". - Deane Johnson
  2. sales wrote on 2008-October-29 10:20:03:
    I am very sorry to here about the passing of Rey. I got to visit Rey last November at his home in Amery. I enjoyed listing to his stories about radio stations he worked on and his travels around the country, he loved traveling on the train and taking videos of his travels. Rey was a very religious man when he retired he donated his engineering equipment to a small Christian radio station. He is one of the nicest people I have ever known.
    He will be missed.
  3. rick wrote on 2008-October-29 11:35:38:
    Rey had a warehouse of used radio parts at home. Whenever I called and asked him about a part I needed, he would always say "Well, you know Rick, I might just have one of those puppies out in the warehouse". Rey could fix anything. He would never get excited about any breakdown or mechanical problem at a radio station because he savored every moment of doing what he loved. Rey was a saint and will always be remembered. They should put his "Mister Rogers" sweater that he always wore on display in the Radio Hall of Fame.
  4. axmanzman wrote on 2008-October-30 20:07:41:
    I remember meeting Rey one night when i visited U-100. Matt introduced me to him. Rey looked at me wearily and asked "So.. your Matt's friend?" I nodded He then asked "And your interested in radio?" I nodded smiling.. He then showed me the transmitter and taught me how to read meters. I didn't know it at the time but i was probably getting a first class course in running the transmitter.. Something you had to go to Brown for!!... He later told me a few stories and made me feel welcome there even though i had no bussiness being there at all. I noticed he was such a mellow person.. Nothing upset him.. Sorry to hear of his passing. He was a very smart man.. I do remember meeting him at the fair once while watching Rob broadcast for KDWB too.
  5. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2008-October-31 07:38:02:
    Fred....I loved your comment in your email. All equipment must be running a lot smoother in Heaven now that Rey is helping the Chief Engineer.
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