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American Idol! Subscribe to comments to this posting
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Thursday, 2009-May-21 • 06:37
I thought the bitch with the eyeliner was going to win!
  1. MBiolo wrote on 2009-May-21 08:07:04:
    I'm guessisng you're talking about American Idol. Yet another season has past and I have not seen even one episode. I must be unAmerican. And I might have watched last night except that I have a new puppy, a 9 week old Beagle, who is very, very busy when he is awake. And, as a baby, Bingo is not yet housebroken. As we used to say in the Navy, "Vigilance is the price of safety".
  2. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2009-May-21 13:28:35:
    When I am dozing in bed, in the semi-sleep that can be so fun first thing in the morning, I think of deep and profound things to blog about or add to My Story. When I finally finish my diet Mountain Dew (in lieu of coffee) and actually get on the computer I have to try to dredge those profound thoughts from my brain or just surf porn. Life can be so complicated. I got a note from my old buddy, and/or short-time morning show partner, Ken Copper. I got a kick out of his blog. Every man gets to a certain age when they blithely begin talking about their prostate. (I have NEVER heard a teenager discussing that particular organ) The comparisons to grapefruit or basketballs are rife. Personally, I had mine removed years ago and cryogenically frozen. Its now in the freezer in the garage. There is barely room for 2 bottles of Miller and some lo-cal Popsicles. Anyway, Ken's memory was much better than mine and when I get around to publishing the next episode it will be rolling-rich with actually names. Now where was I? Oh! Marco....Yes...I have watched every year and every episode of American Idol. Even had a little "Idol" get together last night. Most of the living room commentary centered around Adam's squirrel-cheeks and that Cindy Lauper needs to learn to sit more lady-like. As you can see it was a very erudite and sophisticated crowd. What do you expect of people you meet on Craigslist? Tonight I'll be front and center for So You Think You Can Dance. BTW....I also watched the preview of the show...GLEE. It was so theater/campy/gay that I can't imagine it will last. I did get teary eyed. I'm pathetic. I am slightly depressed because I read that CBS canceled THE UNIT. Marco....what did you think of this seasons AXEMEN? If I had been the kid working with his father doing the water-logging I would have ended this years series as an orphan. Well....I have rambled enough...if I sit at the computer too long my legs swell from bad circulation with the bended knee. If they swell too much I'll have to have them removed and then there won't be room for the popsicles.
  3. axmanzman wrote on 2009-May-21 21:23:31:
    Another season passed and i never watched the show... ow well... BUT i did see about 5 minutes of it last night by accident when i was clicking thru the channels and saw KISS... WTF is kiss doing on AI?!!!!!! so i guess i watched... the kid could sing...yeah but then anyone would sound good... if they had kiss as a back up band.. and the kid had good stage presence.. but then anyone would look good against kiss.. i just wish he quit singing when the song ended... but then..their all amatures on that show right?... good light show and pirotechniques dispays.. shades of the hair band 80's!!!!!! for a show that showcases amatures... it was too polished.. but then i never have watched the show so i should just shut up because they probably staged that whole section just to show the kids talent off... and they did a good job if thats the case... it was good... as good as kiss can be i guess... sigh.... so ok....i guess it helped too that i had the speakers on the surround on at the time i clicked by the show also... sighhhhh ya know what i'm going to bed.... i'm tired....
  4. MBiolo wrote on 2009-May-23 05:44:53:
    Yeah, love the Ax Men. That's reality TV. (Along with Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers. If there are power tools, trucks, or ships involved, I'm in.) The aqua loggers were quite the father/son team, eh? No wonder they live in a shack and every piece of equipment they own came from parts lifted from some out of business auto salvage yard. The old man has a few anger management issues I would say. I was sorry to see the season end. Hell's Kitchen is done for the year and Deadliest Catch is just about over but Ice Road Truckers starts a new season next Sunday. You can see I am quite the patron of educational TV . . .
  5. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2009-May-23 12:02:10:
    I hope everyone is aware that they are welcome to jump in here at any time. Speaking of Ax Men....My friend the Minnesota Axman tells me EVERY year that he has never watched American Idol. BTW...Clay Aiken sort of agrees with you Fred...HE says that the early American Idol was a true amateur-Idol competition and now it starts with people who are way too polished to begin with. Personally, I thought Kiss and Rod Stewart were pathetic. Back in the 60's and 70's ...what were we thinking? Speaking of these 'reality' TV shows Marco....The axmen...dealiest catch..ice road....REAL MEN shows!!!....also one of my favs is on Bravo...the new version is called 'Fashion Show'...There are some REAL men on THAT show too...they just smell better than the other 'real men'. LOL
  6. MBiolo wrote on 2009-May-24 19:34:09:
    Fashion show, eh? Hmmmm . . . Aw shit. My puppy just peed on the floor. Damn it.
  7. Rob Sherwood wrote on 2009-May-25 05:46:47:
    I detect sarcasm.
  8. axmanzman wrote on 2009-May-31 08:28:43:
    I have come to the conclusion that TV is not reality in anyway shape and form... Thats why we like to watch it so much... sniff sniff is that puupy pee i smell?!! I also have come to the conclusion i gotta get rid of the RCA t.v. in my bedroom.. the damn thing has turned on by itself at 3 am for the past month now... and the alarm on it IS NOT SET..... strange thing that RCA (Real Crappy Appliance)
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