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Back Grinding
Posted by Rob Sherwood   •   Tuesday, 2007-April-24 • 09:49
I actually don't have much of a grind these days and when given a moment to think about it don't miss the grind a bit.

I celebrated my birthday with friends over the week-end. Birthdays are supposed to get less important with GREAT age, but I still enjoy them. A friend of mine is doing a show in Chicago and couldn't come to Minnesota so we all met there. That gave me a chance to ride AMTRAK back to Mpls. and I really enjoy that. Screw your airplane!

For some reason, I have such a slow heart-rate that I have the tendency to have a loss of blood pressure in certain situations and the body compensates for that by causing me to faint. It happens mostly when I laugh too hard. Isn't that nuts? Anyway, I was telling people about that at the party and my 'friends' just thought this was the funniest thing they have ever heard. I could be injured seriously in a fall, but that doesn't worry them a bit. They just laugh like loons. We were hanging out after dinner having some drinks and laughing about really stupid stuff. At one point I was laughing so hard, as a joke, I said, "Hold on a minute...", got out of the chair, stretched out on the floor, and said, "O.K. You can continue now." Once again I got the best laugh of the night.

So here is a question...For $10,000,000 would you agree that every morning, for the rest of your life, within 3 minutes of awakening, someone (random people,genders, and ages) would knock on your door and when you answered it, they would lick your ear for 15 seconds?

I can't imagine why anyone would say they wouldn't do it. I am off to see Fractured...hope it doesn't snow.

"...the old grey mare she ain't what she used to be..."
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